You would want to find out when your baby is going to arrive once you have learned that you are pregnant. Another way to do this is to deduct three months from the first day of the last period and add seven days. The average pregnancy is estimated at 282 days (40 weeks) from the first day of the last menstrual period.
Calculating your due date based on the first day of your last period works well for women who have a relatively normal menstrual cycle, but the LMP approach may not work for you if your cycle is irregular. Since an accurately estimated delivery date (EDD) is relevant, if you remember it, you and your practitioner can instead use your conception date. To obtain your predicted due date, just add 266 days
However, babies rarely hold an exact timetable, so it can be somewhere between 37 and 42 weeks for a full-term birth. It is considered that a baby born before 37 weeks is premature and anything over 42 weeks is considered late.
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